We learn, we share, we grow together
oe magazinee

We learn, we share, we grow together

by Mai Anh Phạm

With the motto "less but better", ownego encourages members to constantly learn and share to grow together.

That's why activities such as seminars, internal sharing,... are regularly held at OE. These activities will be hosted by experts or any member. The topic is also flexible around knowledge directly related to work such as programming, design, Agile, .. or other areas of life.

The special class is coached by Mr. TuCG - Agile expert.

Members received certi after completing internal coding course.

Ready to share, ready to listen is the common spirit of all OE-ers.

In addition to hearing and sharing knowledge, members also have small activities to immediately practice what they have just learned, thereby making the knowledge easier to understand and remember.

"I can draw"

These activities will be leverage to help OE members learn many new things to apply to their work, thereby helping to develop better products to serve customers.

Every day at work is not only a happy day but also an exciting day when learning new things, listening and sharing, becoming our colleagues to learn & share!